| A Cipher's the Key to the Treasure in Them Thar Hills |
 | A Treasure Buried Deep in Bedford County |
 | Beale Treasure - Fact or Fiction |
 | Beale, The Beale Papers |
 | Has the Beale Treasure Code Been Solved? |
 | Historical and Analytical Studies in Relation to the Beale Cypers, dated 15 April 1972 |
 | Historical and Analytical Studies in Relation to the Beale Cypers, dated 7 March 1970 |
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 | More Information on Unsolved Cipher |
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 | Secret Code to Virginia's $2 Million Blue Ridge Bonanza |
 | Signature Simulation and Certain Cryptographic Codes |
 | Solve the Cipher, Find a Treasure |
 | The Beale Ciphers |