For each #NoSuchPuzzle in January, we provide a sentence with two words removed. The two words are heterographs (words that are pronounced the same but spelled differently) for two synonyms (words that mean the same). We provide the lengths of the removed words. Find the two removed words.
Example Puzzle:

Unfortunately, the boy scout still __(5)__ some of the gear he'll need for his __(4)__-long camping trip.
Solution: Unfortunately, the boy scout still LACKS some of the gear he'll need for his WEEK-long camping trip.
Puzzle One:

The ship was __(6)__ by workers who had to shout to be heard over the deep __(4)__ of the thrumming engine.
Puzzle One Answer
Puzzle Two:

The shoemaker made a small __(4)__ in the leather using his __(3)__.
Puzzle Two Answer
Puzzle Three:

I used to __(5)__ hard at pictures of the Mongolian __(6)__, trying to spot camouflaged animals hiding in the grass.
Puzzle Three Answer
Puzzle Four:

Curious about what the protesters were saying, the driver pressed on the __(5)__, rolled down the window, and listened to the repetitive __(6)__ being recited by the large crowd.
Puzzle Four Answer
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