On September 2, 2008, Mr. John C. Inglis, Deputy Director, National Security Agency, welcomed family and friends to the National Vigilance Park and Aerial Reconnaissance Memorial to pay special tribute to the crew of flight 60528, shot down by two Soviet MiGs 50 years ago today.
On September 2, 1958, the C-130 departed Incirlik Airbase, Turkey, on a reconnaissance mission along the Turkish-Armenian border. It was to fly a course that would parallel the Soviet frontier, but not approach the border closer than 100 miles. The crew reported passing over Trabzon, Turkey at 25,500 feet and then acknowledged a weather report from Trabzon -- the last word heard from the flight.
What happened next is unclear, but known for certain is that all 17 crewmen were lost on that fateful day; NSA solemnly commemorates the 50th anniversary of their sacrifice to our country.
Individuals interested in additional information regarding the ceremony may contact the Public and Media Affairs Office at (301) 688-6524 or by email at nsapao@nsa.gov.