Vietnam Paris Peace Talks

The following declassified records, originally issued between November 1972 and January 1973, are intelligence reports provided by the National Security Agency to the White House in support of American efforts to reach a settlement ending the Vietnam War. These reports, which were published as soon as possible after NSA obtained their contents and sometimes issued several times in a single day, sought to inform American diplomacy at a crucial time in our nation's past. Their release is intended to enhance the understanding of individual citizens, professional historians, and students of intelligence alike with respect to U.S. involvement in Vietnam and how NSA supports our country's most senior policymakers as they face critical decisions affecting our future.

The reports in this release provided National Security Advisor Henry Kissinger and other senior American negotiators with unique insights into how their South Vietnamese allies were reacting to developments at the Paris Peace Talks with North Vietnamese envoy Le Duc Tho. They also provided Dr. Kissinger and his colleagues advance notice of positions being taken by Saigon with respect to initiatives put forward by Washington and Hanoi. While the skill of American diplomats, the political landscape at home and abroad, and the military situation on the ground in Vietnam all played vital roles in the outcome, the NSA reports helped ensure U.S. envoys in Paris and their superiors in Washington were informed by the best possible intelligence as they conducted some of the most consequential negotiations in our nation's history.

 6554147.PDFSouth Vietnamese Ambassador Reports on Meeting With Henry Kissinger
 6554133.PDFSouth Vietnamese Ambassador, Washington, Provides Foreign Ministry With Information on U.S.-SVN Technical Negotiations
 6554091.PDFSouth Vietnamese Negotiator Reports Conclusion of Secret Talks Between Kissinger and Le Duc Tho; Progress of Protocols Fr Paris; South Vietnamese delegation; Pham Dang Lam
 6554086.PDFSullivan Briefs South Vietnamese on Kissinger-Tho Meeting of 11 January
 6554224.PDFSullivan Briefs South Vietnamese on Progress of Protocol Work by U.S., North Vietnamese Diplomatic Technicians
 6549596.PDFSummary of Mr. Kissinger—Le Duc Tho Paris Peace Talks
 6554221.PDFSVN Emissary Reports 12 January Conversion With General Haig
 6554240.PDFSVN Presidential Secretary Sees No Progress in Kissinger-Le Duc Tho Meeting
 6554241.PDFSVN Task Forces Continue Work on Protocols; SVN Ambassador in Washington Sent to Paris
 6554198.PDFThieu's Press Secretary Says 20 December Letter is Latest South Vietnamese Position on Talks
 6554154.PDFTran Van Do, Bui Diem Report U.S. Domestic Reaction to Recent Paris Negotiations, War Activity in Vietnam
 6554149.PDFTwo South Vietnamese Officials in Washington Report on Talks With U.S. Officials
 6554239.PDFU.S. Ambassador to Rome Reportedly to Succeed Bunker in Saigon; Kissinger Reportedly Apprehensive About Possible Negotiations Failure, Surprised by Nixon's Defense of Thieu
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