NSA Cybersecurity


NSA Cybersecurity prevents and eradicates threats to U.S. national security systems, with an initial focus on the Defense Industrial Base (DIB) and the improvement of the nation’s weapons’ security.

At its core, NSA Cybersecurity aims to defeat the adversary through the seven core missions and functions:

  • Provide intelligence to warn of malicious cyber threats and information U.S. Government (USG) policy
  • Develop integrated Nuclear Command & Control Systems threat, vulnerability, risk, and cryptographic products & services
  • Release integrated threat, assessment, and mitigation/protection products for the Department of Defense (DoD) and USG customers
  • Execute high-assurance cryptography and security engineering
  • Offer combined defense/offence operations with key government partners
  • Enable the defense of the agency’s networks in coordination with NSA’s Chief Information Officer
  • Promote information sharing to support the agency’s cybersecurity mission

By leveraging our elite technical capability, we develop advisories and mitigations on evolving cybersecurity threats designed to defend the nation and secure the future. As we release new advisories and technical guidance, we archive all releases to ensure anyone who needs the information to protect their systems has access to them.

Education is the backbone of building strong cybersecurity professionals and informed citizens.

At NSA we employ some of the best cybersecurity professionals around the world, offering them unique access to classified and unclassified environments to help solve the nation’s most critical cybersecurity challenges. For more information on how to join our team, visit our NSA Careers page.

Our cybersecurity professionals also contribute to developing the talent and tool to make the nation safer through science, technology, engineering and mathematics outreach programs at all levels of education. To see how we contribute to prepare future leaders and cyber warriors, visit our Academics page